E/2:30…B/S 35-40/3…55-60/3…75/3, 4, 5, 6, 7
PR attempt: 500m C2
E/1:30…B/P: 55/5…65/5…75/5 (4x)
Tabata: Assault Bike (50rpm + 10rpm each rd)
E/1:30…Cable/Band Tri Pressdowns: 4 x 25
Tabata: 2 rds ea…Arch Hold, Rock, Hollow Hold, Rock
PSA: Nov 17, 2019
Body Spec coming Jan 09, 2020…Reserve your spot b4 it’s too late!
WOD: Nov 16, 2019
9am w/ Coach Court
Subtract your age from 100. Write that down.
Buy In: 1/2 the # above in ab mat sit ups, push ups, pull ups, squats
800m Run & 800m Row
600m Run & 600m Row
400m Run & 400m Row
200m Run & 200m Row
Cash Out: remaining 1/2 of # above. Break up as you choose.
WOD: Nov 15, 2019
Banded BB/KB B/P…
6x2:30 continuously running clock (go fast, earn rest)
0:00-2:30...500m C2
2:30-5:00...400m Run
5:00-7:30...50 Dips
7:30-10:00...50 Pull Ups
10:00-12:30...50 Thrusters (45/33)
12:30-15:00...50 MBS (20/14)
WOD: Nov 14, 2019
E/2:30 = B/S 5 @ 30-35%…5 @ 50-55…5 @ 70…6 @ 70…7 @ 70…8 @ 70
4 x :20/:10 each…TTB … Dead Hang … Chin Over The BarE/90 = 1A DB Row: 4 x 5 increasing weight each set
8 x :20/:10 Various Jump Rope SkillsE/90 = BB Curl: 4 x 10
2 x :20/:10 each…Arch Hold … Arch Rock … Hollow Hold … Hollow RockEOMOM: Superset DB Shrugs & DB BOL: 3 x 20 ea
:20/:10 Assault Bike (start at 50rpm & increase 10 ea round until you tap out) *penalty of varying degree for k/o
PSA: Nov 13, 2019
Did y’all see the FB announcement re: Dexa Scan?
WOD: Nov 12, 2019
E/2:30 = B/S 5 @ 30-35%…5 @ 45-50…7 @ 65…8 @ 65…9 @ 65
C2 Interval: 4 x 100m w/ :30 Recovery (focus on 500m split)E/:90 = Press 4 x 5 increasing weight each set
C2 Interval: 4 x 100m w/ :30 Recovery (focus on s/m)EMOM = DB RDL 4 x 5 increasing weight each set
C2 Interval: 4 x 100m w/ :30 Recovery (focus on power curve)P1/P2 = EZ Curl B/P: 3 x 15 (medium weight, unbroken)
C2 Interval: 4 x 100m w/ :30 Recovery (focus on elapsed time)
WOD: Nov 11, 2019
We WILL be open for Veterans Day. Normal business hours.
Partner "Cindy" will be W/U: AMRAP/20
P1 = 5 Pull Up, P2 = 5 Pull Up, P1 = 10 Push Up, P2 = 10 Push Up, P1 = 15 A/S, P2 = 15 A/S15* Rev Grip IBP: 5 x 5 @ 75%
C2 = 5k For Time
Thank You Veterans for your service!
WOD: Nov 9, 2019
9am: CF Open 20.5 w/ Kevin
WOD: Nov 8, 2019
There will not be a 4:30pm option today, plz choose another :-)
E/:90 (12 cycles): Press + 2 PP + PJ + 2 SJ @ 60%
“Deck O Death” utilizing cards 1-7 only (you’re welcome)
spade = burpee/groiner, heart = hrpu, club = mbs, diamond = kbs
WOD: Nov 7, 2019
10 x 10 Banded D/L
25 DU…5 Bear Complex @ 115/75#..25 DU
25 DU…3 Bear Complex @ 135/85#..25 DU
25 DU…1 Bear Complex @ 165/95#..25 DUNotes: 1 “Bear Complex” is: 1 Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press or Jerk, 1 Back Squat, 1 (Behind the Neck) Push Press or Jerk. There are many variations of the Bear Complex, but we will use the one listed above. You may combine the Clean and FS into a “Squat Clean”, or you may PC then FS. A full standing position must be achieved before the PP or PJ begins (Thrusters are not allowed). Once the bar is overhead, it must be lowered to the back then the BS should be performed. After the BS a full standing position must be achieved before the Behind the Neck PP or PJ begins (again, no Thrusters). When the BB returns to the front rack 1 Bear Complex is complete.
The barbell must then touch the floor WITH NO STOPPAGE OF MOMENTUM for the next rep to begin. This means both hands must be in control of the bar as it touches the floor. Basically the goal is complete the prescribed reps for each round without allowing the bar to stop momentum on the floor, or dropping it. There is a 10 Burpee penalty to be performed immediately, every time the barbell is dropped or rests on the floor. Resting with the BB off the ground IS ALLOWED, and the hands DO NOT need to remain in contact with the BB as long as it is off the ground.
PSA: Nov 6, 2019
Fri Nov 8 there will not be a 4:30pm option, plz choose another :-)
Sat Nov 9 Coach Kevin will spear-head CF Open 20.5 starting at 9am
WOD: Nov 5, 2019
3RM Rev Grip 15* IBP
4x100m C2* (record times & # of burpees) attempt to beat best 500m split by :10
*1 burpee for every second elapsed. i.e, pull 100m in 19.8 seconds, then you will do 19 burpees (always round down). recover as needed
WOD: Nov 4, 2019
10 x 10 Banded G/M
FGB…In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We've used this in 3 and 5 round versions. The stations are:
Wall-ball: 20/12 pound ball, 10/9 ft target. (Reps)
P/C (cuz I really dislike SDHP) 75/45 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 24"/20" box (Reps)
Push-press: 75/45 pounds (Reps)
Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.