9am: CrossFit Open 20.4
WOD: Nov 1, 2019
Achieve heaviest possible 1 Press + 2 PP + 1 PJ + 2 SJ
E = 3 G2OH (135/83) & 5 Burpee
O = 15 DU & 5 Burpee
WOD: Oct 31, 2019
10 x 10 FWD banded D/L
1-2 round AMRAP :40/:20
1. GHD (Abs)
2. Assault Bike
3. Cal row
4. Air squats
5. Ball slams
6. Pull-ups
7. Box Jumps
8. Burpees
9. DU
PSA: Oct 30, 2019
Thu Oct 31 is Halloween. We will offer 6a, 7a & 430p sessions. 530p & 630p you will have to play nice with another group on this day.
WOD: Oct 29, 2019
EMOM/12: HPS + Sn Bal + 2 OHS (55-65% OHS#???)
EOMOM/5 cycles: 5 ea…WB, Burpee Box Jump, C2 cal
3:00 recoveryEOMOM/5 cycles: 5 ea…Clusters, TTB, C2BPU
WOD: Oct 28, 2019
Achieve heaviest possible: 1 D/L + 2 HPC + 3 F/S
Partner WOD
3:00 AMRAP Burpee (swap every 5 reps)
3:00 AMRAP AKBS (swap every 10 reps)
3:00 AMRAP A/S (swap every 15 reps)
600m Run
repeat 3:00 ladder A/S, AKBS, Burpee
WOD: Oct 26, 2019
9am: CrossFit Open 20.3
WOD: Oct 25, 2019
Achieve heaviest possible: 1 Press + 2 P/P + 1 P/J + 2 S/J
EMOM/8..BMU & Burpee
min 1 = 1 & 1, min 2 = 2 & 2, min 3 = 3 & 3..to 8
*no BMU? 2 pull up & 2 dip = 1 BMU (work same min to rep ratio) 1 = 2 & 2, 2 = 4 & 4, 3 = 6 & 6…
*you will remove burpee's from EMOM & perform at the end of the M/CDNF: min 1-4 = 800m Run…5 = 600m…6 = 400…7 = 200…8 = 100
WOD: Oct 24, 2019
EMOM/12: HPS + Sn Bal + 2 OHS (55-65% OHS#???)
AMRAP/3 (five 3:00 cycles, rest 1:00 between cycles)
5 Pull Ups, 10 HRPU, 15 PKBS
for each cycle pick up where you left off
PSA: Oct 23, 2019
Thu Oct 31 is Halloween. We will offer 6a, 7a & 430p sessions. 530p & 630p you will have to play nice with another group on this day.
WOD: Oct 22, 2019
Achieve heaviest possible: 1 D/L + 2 HPC + 3 F/S
EMOM/6…:20 F/R Hold w/ 120% F/S#
2:00 RecoveryEMOM/14: E = C2 7 Calories (all out), O = 7 Thrusters 95/63#
WOD: Oct 21, 2019
Week 3 OHS: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
Buy In: 100 DU (3:00 allotted)
AMRAP/8: 2 Jerk (135/103), 4 Dips, 6 AKBS (24/16)
Cash Out: 100 DU (no time cap)
WOD: Oct 19, 2019
9am: CF Open 20.2
WOD: Oct 18, 2019
Achieve heaviest possible HPS + Sn Bal + 2 OHS
Partner WOD..3 RFTR (distance)
5 D/L (225/173), 10 Box Jump (24/20), 15 MBS (20/14)
(A) rows while (B) performs 5, 10, 15 then switch = 1 rd