Week 1 (Press #’s): 1 Press + 2 P/P + 3 P/J = 1 rep
Min 1, 2, 3 = 45%
Min 5, 6, 7 = 55%
Min 9, 10, 11 = 65%
Min 13, 14, 15 = 75%
Min 17, 18, 19 = 85%E/1:30 (7 cycles): 2 pause (:05) F/S + 2 F/S
recommend 55%-65%
WOD: Jan 14, 2019
Week 1 D/L: 45/5, 55/5, 65/3, 75/3, 85/3+, 65/AMRAP
3 RFT: 5 P/S, 5 OHS, 10 C2BPU, 10 Lat BB Burpee
PSA: Jan 13, 2019
Wed 01/16 will look like this:
5:30a-7:30a & 3:30p-5:30p
1:1 are happening (you must be self sufficient)3 pos C&J (1 ea top-down): 50, 60, 65, 70
Halt Sn Pull (:03/knee): 60/3, 70/3, 80/3, 90/3
RDL (1RM F/S): 50/3, 60/3, 65/3, 70/3
CrossOver Symmetry (Activation, Activation +, Recovery)
Sat 1/19 will look like this:
Sn: 50/3, 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 70/3
OH Lunge (3L/3R) ((1RM S/J)): 50,. 60, 65, 70
Halt Cl Pull (:03/knee): 60/3, 70/3, 80/3, 90/3
F/S + P/J (1RM P/J#): 50/3+1, 60/3+1, 65/3+1, 70/3+1, 70/3+1
CrossOver Symmetry (Activation, Activation +, Recovery)
Option B = TBD by Coach Kevin on the fly…
WOD: Jan 12, 2019
3 pos Sn (1 ea from top down) 50, 60, 65, 70
Sotts Press: up to 2 x 3 light intensity
Jerk Bal: 50/3, 60/3, 65/3, 65/3
B/S: 50/3, 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 70/3
CrossOver Symmetry (Activation, Activation +, Recovery)
Option B = TBD by Coach Jen on the fly…
WOD: Jan 11, 2019
3RM your most out of date squat…B? F? OH?
E/:90 (10 cycles) = P/C + HPC + H/C + Cl
WOD: Jan 10, 2019
3RM most out of date S2OH. This will be the 4th different S2OH (in last 2 months) in an effort to shore up numbers & time-lines. You should not be re-testing the same lifts!
Buy In / Cash Out = 1,000m C2
EOMOM (5 cycles) = 10 BB BOR, 10 KBS, 10 MBS
WOD: JAN 9, 2019
5:30a-7:30a & 3:30p-5:30p
1:1 are happening (you must be self sufficient)Sn: 70/3, 80/2, 90/2, 95/2, 95/1, 95/2, 90/2
C&J: 70/3+3, 80/2+2, 90/2+2, 95/2+2, 95/2+2, 95/1+1, 90/2+2
RDL (1RM F/S): 60/3, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2, 95/2, 95/2, 90/2
WOD: Jan 8, 2019
3RM D/L (conventional)
5 x 3:00/AMRAP w/ 1:00 between rounds
3 Burpee, 6 WB, 9 MBS, 12 DU
WOD: Jan 7, 2019
Ascending Ladder…P/C & Pull Ups
Min 1: 1 of each move
Min 2: 2 of each move
Min 3: 3 of each move…
goal = make/complete min 7, 2:00 recovery, then…Ascending Ladder…WB, Burpee
Min 1: 1 of each move
Min 2: 2 of each move
Min 3: 3 of each move…
goal = make/complete min 7
PSA: Jan 6, 2018
Wed 01/09 will look like this:
5:30a-7:30a & 3:30p-5:30p
1:1 are happening (you must be self sufficient)Sn:70/3, 80/2, 90/2, 95/2, 95/1, 95/2, 90/2
C&J: 70/3+3, 80/2+2, 90/2+2, 95/2+2, 95/2+2, 95/1+1, 90/2+2
RDL (1RM F/S): 60/3, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2, 95/2, 95/2, 90/2
Sat 1/12 will look like this:
3 pos Sn (1 ea from top down) 50, 60, 65, 70
Sotts Press: up to 2 x 3 light intensity
Jerk Bal: 50/3, 60/3, 65/3, 65/3
B/S: 50/3, 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 70/3
CrossOver Symmetry (Activation, Activation +, Recovery)
Option B = TBD by Coach _____ on the fly…
WOD: Jan 5, 2019
Divide into teams of 3. 3 M/C today.
2:00 Recovery between M/C. P1 controls tempo.M/C 1: AMRAP/12
P1 = 200m Run … P2 = Hanging Abs … P3 = HRPUM/C 2: AMRAP/12
P1 = 250/200m C2 … P2 = Box Step/Jump … P3 = KBSM/C 3: AMRAP/12
P1 = 8 cal Assault … P2 = Pull Up … P3 = Goblet Squat
WOD: Jan 4, 2019
3RM your most out of date squat…B? F? OH?
21 - 15 - 9: PKBS, cal C2, WB
WOD: Jan 3, 2019
3RM most out of date S2OH. This will be the 3rd different S2OH (12/18/18 & 11/12/18) in an effort to shore up numbers & time-lines. You should not be re-testing the same lifts!
EOMOM (5 cycles): 5 D/L + 5 HPC + 5 F/S + 5 S2OH + 5 B/S
3:00 RecoveryE/1:30 (5 cycles): 5 Dips + 5 Pull/Chin Ups + 5 Jump Squats
PSA: Jan 2, 2019
Hope y’all are recovering from the New Year’s debauchery. See ya back in here mañana at normally scheduled times.
No Oly specific WOD’s this week. Not Wed, not Sat.