Jolly 51 w/ Nate at 3:30pm
M/95…F/63... Can be done as a partner or solo but I would recommend partner. Teams of 2. Split the work. Both people run.51 P/C, Run 308
38 Push Up, Run 308
101 D/L, Run 308
101 DU, Run 308
38 F/S, Run 308
51 KBS, Run 308
51 PP, Run 308 yards
WOD: Mar 12, 2019
Week 3 Sn Grip D/L: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
AMRAP/5: 25 DU, 5 C&J (135/83)
2:00 RecoveryFor Time: 18 - 12 - 6 … KBS & C2 Cal
WOD: Mar 11, 2019
Week 3 45 deg IBP: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
HRPU finisher. Odd # rounds are descending reps. Even #’s rounds are ascending. Add 5 Goblet Squats to all rounds.
1 = 10 HRPU + 5 GS
2 = 1 HRPU + 5 GS
3 = 9 HRPU + 5 GS
4 = 2 HRPU + 5 GS
5 = 8 HRPU + 5 GS
6 = 3 HRPU + 5 GS
7 = 7 HRPU + 5 GS
8 = 4 HRPU + 5 GS
9 = 6 HRPU + 5 GS
10 = 5 HRPU + 5 GS
PSA: Mar 10, 2019
Mon = IBP…Tue = Sn Grip D/L…Thu = Z Press…Fri = Box Sqt…Sat = 19.4
WOD: Mar 9, 2019
CFG Open 19.3 w/ Coach Jen & ???
WOD: Mar 8, 2019
Week 2 Z Press: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
AMRAP/15: 5 MBC, 10 (alt) Pistols, 15 DU
WOD: Mar 7, 2019
Week 2 Sn Grip D/L: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
“Tabata Ya Gotta Be Kidding Me…” 8 x :20/:10 of each:
WB…Pull Up…Squats…SDHP
WOD: Mar 5, 2019
Week 2 45 Deg IBP: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
Min 1, 5, 9, 13 = 8 WB
Min 2, 6, 10, 14 = 8 cal C2
Min 3, 7, 11, 15 = 8 DB Thrusters
Min 4, 8, 12, 16 = 8 Burpee
WOD: Mar 4, 2019
Week 2 Box Squat: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
Min 1, 4, 7, 10 = 10 TTB (or) 15 K2E (or) 20 HLR
Min 2, 5, 8, 11 = 100m C2 Sprint
Min 3, 6, 9, 12 = 5 Burpee Box Jump
PSA: Mar 3, 2019
Mon = Box Sqt..Tue = IBP…Thu = Sn Grip D/L…Fri = Z Press…Sat = 19.3
WOD: Mar 2, 2019
H/S (knee): 60/3, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2, 80/2
H/C (knee): 60/3, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2, 80/2
F/S + J (1RM J#): 60/3+1, 70/2+1, 75/2+1, 80/2+1, 85/2+1, 85/2+1
CFG Open 19.2 w/ Coach Court & ???
Next BodySpec date is confirmed, pull me aside to discuss…
WOD: Mar 1, 2019
Week 1 Sn Grip D/L: 45/5, 55/5, 65/3, 75/3, 85/3+, 65/AMRAP
For time: 10 HPC, Row 200m…9 HPC, Row 200m…8 HPC, Row 200m…
(all the way down to 1 HPC & Row 200m)
WOD: Feb 28, 2019
Week 1 45 Deg IBP: 45/5, 55/5, 65/3, 75/3, 85/3+, 65/AMRAP
Tabata Something Else (:20/:10 x 8) cycle thru one move at a time
Pull Ups…Push Ups…Sit Ups…Squats (1:00 between movements)
WOD: Feb 27, 2019
5:30a-7:30a Oly/Symmetry only
(Jill, Jac, & any that wanna play with them)C&J: 60/3+3, 70/2+2, 75/2+2, 80/2+2, 85/2+2, 80/2+2
Halt Sn Pull (:03 just off floor, :03 at knee)
70/3, 80/2, 85/2, 90/2, 90/2, 85/2RDL (1RM F/S#): 60/3, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2, 90/2
CrossOver Symmetry (Activation, Activation +, Recovery)