E/1:30 (A) to (B) to (C) ((10 reps))
(A) F/S 135/103
(B) FUBP 95/53
(C) Sn Grip D/L 185/143Achieve heaviest possible P/J + 2 S J
WOD: Jul 25, 2019
Week 3 B/S: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
4 RFT: 500m C2, 10 Clusters, 5 BB Burpee
WOD: Jul 23, 2019
Achieve heaviest possible 3RM FUBP
E/1:30 (3 cycles) x 5 Tempo Kang Squat
AMRAP/12: 9 Sn Grip BOR, 6 MBS, 3 x 100m Shutlle
WOD: Jul 22, 2019
Week 3 D/L: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
50 DU, 40 PKBS, 30 WB, 20 Pull Up, 10 Burpee
2:00 Recovery10 Burpee, 20 Pull Up, 30 WB, 40 PKBS, 50 DU
WOD: Jul 20, 2019
9a w/ Coach Jen
WOD: Jul 19, 2019
Week 2 B/S: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
E/90 (10 cycles) 5 D/L + 5 HPC + 5J (heavy as possible)
*penalty for dropping/re-racking prior to completion
WOD: Jul 18, 2019
HBD Shara, Coach Court
Achieve heaviest possible FUBP
Birthday WOD: Subtract your age from 100 and perform…
Push Up, Pull Up, Squat, TTB (youngsters can divide into multiple rounds)
WOD: Jul 16, 2019
Week 2 D/L: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
Buy In: EMOM/10…E = 10 cal C2…O = 10 Burpee
”Fran” Thrusters & Pull Ups (21-15-9 For Time)
WOD: Jul 15, 2019
Achieve heaviest possible PJ + 2 S/J
Buy In: Clusters, WB, Burpee (12-8-4) For Time
E:45 (8 cycles): P/C+ HPC + H/C+ Cl
WOD: Jul 13, 2019
9am w/ Coach Jill
WOD: Jul 12, 2019
EST heaviest possible 3RM FUBP
M/C 1: E/90 (4 cycles) 10 Curl to Press & 100y shuttle
1:30 Recovery
M/C 2: E/90 (5 cycles) 7 B/WB (must catch MB) & 40y side shuttle
2:00 Recovery
M/C 3: E/30 (6 cycles) 3 HPC + 1 J (use yesterday’s weight)
WOD: Jul 11, 2019
Week 1 D/L: 45/5, 55/5, 65/3, 75/3, 85/3+, 65/AMRAP
AMRAP/6: 20 DU, 3 HPC&J
2:00 RecoveryFor Time: 18 KBS & 3 x 200m - 12 KBS & 2 x 200m - 6 KBS & 200m
WOD: Jul 9, 2019
Achieve heaviest possible P/J + 2 S/J
HRPU finisher. Odd # rounds are descending reps. Even #’s rounds are ascending. Add 5 Goblet Squats to all rounds.
1 = 10 HRPU + 5 GS
2 = 1 HRPU + 5 GS
3 = 9 HRPU + 5 GS
4 = 2 HRPU + 5 GS
5 = 8 HRPU + 5 GS
6 = 3 HRPU + 5 GS
7 = 7 HRPU + 5 GS
8 = 4 HRPU + 5 GS
9 = 6 HRPU + 5 GS
10 = 5 HRPU + 5 GS
WOD: Jul 8, 2019
Week 1 B/S: 45/5, 55/5, 65/3, 75/3, 85/3+, 65/AMRAP
8 RFT: 200m Run, 4 HPS, 8 OHS, 16 TTB