Week 4 Box Squat: 10 x 5 @ 75% (we will lift E/1:30)
AMRAP/3…1:00 Recovery…4 Rounds
3 Burpee, 6 AKBS, 9 MBS
WOD: Apr 29, 2019
Week 4 Cl Complex: 10 x 3 @ 75% (we will lift EOMOM) ((10 cycles))
P/C + HPC + H/C + Cl = 1…you’ll perform 3 of these EOMOM, 10 x3 RFT: 3 x 200m run, 21 WB, 21 A/S
2 x 200m Run, 15 WB, 15 A/S
1 x 200m Run, 9 WB, 9 A/S
WOD: Apr 27, 2019
9am w/ Coach Court
WOD: Apr 26, 2019
Week 3 30 deg IBP: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
EOMOM (8 cycles): 1 Cl + 2 F/S + 3 S2OH + 4 BB Burpee
WOD: Apr 25, 2019
Week 3 Box Squat: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
E/1:30 (3 cycles) x 10 Kang Squat
4 RFT: 300m C2, 6 HPS, 9 OHS, 12 TTB
WOD: Apr 23, 2019
P/C + HPC + H/C + Cl (achieve heaviest complex possible)
AMRAP/7: (A) 7 WB (or) 7 Thrusters
(B) 7 Burpee
WOD: Apr 22, 2019
Week 3 Press: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
ME 3:00 Z Press (empty BB)
500m C2 (attempt a PR), 40 A/S, 30 Ab Mat, 20 Pull Up, 10 Push Up
* You are on the clock the whole time *
WOD: Apr 20, 2019
9am w/ Coach Jen
WOD: Apr 19, 2019
Week 2 Box Squat: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
E/1:30 (5 cycles) x 10 Kang Squat
AMRAP/9: 9 PKBS, 6 C2BPU, 3 Burpee
WOD: Apr 18, 2019
P/C + HPC + H/C + Cl (achieve heaviest complex possible)
3 RFT: 500m C2, 20 MBS, 15 AKBS, 10 WB
WOD: Apr 16, 2019
Week 2 Press: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
ME 2:00 Z Press (empty BB)
EOMOM (8 cycles) P/S + HPS + H/S + Sn + 2 BB Burpee
WOD: Apr 15, 2019
Week 2 30 deg IBP: 50/5, 60/5, 70/2, 80/2, 90/2+, 70/AMRAP
:20/:10 (A) to (B) to (C) to (D) = 1 (RX 75/53) x 8
(A) B/S (B) Press (C) F/S (D) PP
PSA: Apr 14, 2019
M = IBP…Tu = Press…Th = Cl Complex…F = Box Squat
WOD: Apr 13, 2019
9am w/ Coach Court
15-10-5: Bar Facing Burpee
ClUsters15-10-5: Back Squat
Alternating Lunges
Run 1 Mile