Week 5 F/S: 10 x 10 <50% using Tempo/Pause #’s
4 x 500m C2 w/ 200m Run as active recovery between C2
WOD Jun 15, 2019
9am partner WOD w/ Coach Court ( I have 1:1 teens at 9a & 10a, plz be on time & ready to go)
M/C (A): AMRAP/12: 9 cal C2, 6 C2 Burpee, 3 Clusters (heavy)
3:00 RecoveryM/C (B): AMRAP/12: 9 cal c2, 6 C2 Burpee, 3 MU (sub/alt 6 dip/C2B)
3:00 RecoveryM/C (C): AMRAP/12: 9 cal c2, 6 C2 Burpee, 3 Box Jump Over
WOD: Jun 14, 2019
Week 4 PP: 10 x 5 <75% (E/1:30)
WOD: Jun 13, 2019
Week 4 (P/S + HPS + H/S + Sn) 10 x 1 <75% EMOM
WOD: Jun 11, 2019
Week 4 Tempo/Pause F/S: 10 x 3 <75% (EOMOM)
WOD: Jun 10, 2019
Week 4 15 deg IBP: 10 x 5 <75% (E/1:30)
WOD: Jun 8, 2019
9a w/ Coach Kevin
WOD: Jun 7, 2019
4:30 you’ll need to play w/ 6a, 7a, 5:30p, or 6:30p today
P/S + HPS + H/S + Sn (achieve heaviest possible complex)
Ascending Ladder…Thrusters & Pull Ups
Min 1: 1 of each move
Min 2: 2 of each move
Min 3: 3 of each move…
goal = make/complete min 7, 2:00 recovery, then…Ascending Ladder…DL, BB Burpee
Min 1: 1 of each move
Min 2: 2 of each move
Min 3: 3 of each move…
goal = make/complete min 7
WOD: Jun 6, 2019
4:30 you’ll need to play w/ 6a, 7a, 5:30p, or 6:30p today
3 RM Tempo/Pause F/S (:05 Down, :02 Hold, shoot it up)
Buy in = 400m Run
3 RFT: 15 MBS, 15 AKBS, 15 WBCash Out = 400m Run
PSA: Jun 5, 2019
Grad Week has arrived & as a result will affect some of our sessions.
Thu 6/6 & Fri 6/7 the 4:30 class will need to join 6a, 7a, 5:30p, 6:30p
WOD: Jun 4, 2019
Week 3 15 deg IBP: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
Buy In = 500m C2 (do NOT deviate more than :05 from 5/21/19)
E/1:30 (8 cycles) 2 P/C + 2 F/S + 2 Jerk + 6 BB BurpeeCash Out = 500m C2 (do NOT deviate more than :10 from 5/21/19)
WOD: Jun 3, 2019
Week 3 P/P: 55/5, 65/5, 75/3, 85/2, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP
Min 1, 4, 7, 10 = 12 SDHP
Min 2, 5, 8, 11 = 12 TTB
Min 3, 6, 9, 12 = 36 DU (or) 12 Groiners
PSA: Jun 2, 2019
Grad Week is upon us & as a result will affect some of our sessions.
Thu 6/6 & Fri 6/7 the 4:30 class will need to join 6a, 7a, 5:30p, 6:30p
WOD: Jun 1, 2019
3RM Tempo/Pause F/S (:05 Down, :02 Hold, shoot it up)
1 mile Run, 2k C2, 1 mile Run