- week 3 HPS: 55/5, 65/5, 75/5, 85/3, 95/1+, 75/AMRAP (1+ & AMRAP cut off at 10)
- Complete Fran or get as far as you can in 3:00, rest 1:00 and repeat. Each time you start at the beginning.
Level 1: The Five Frans - #65/#45 and jumping pull-ups – If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 2: The Five Frans - #75/#55 and jumping pull-ups– If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 3: The Five Frans - #85/#60 and jumping pull-ups– If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 4: The Five Frans - #65/#45 and pull-ups – If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 5: The Five Frans - #75/#55 and pull-ups – If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 6: The Five Frans - #85/#60 and pull-ups – If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 7: The Five Frans – Rx Fran -Work to complete Fran for all intervals under 3:00 – if you complete all, you are a GOD