Jan 3, 2022 (Minimum Equipment Inspired)

  • “General W/U”
    200m Run (or) 250m Row
    10 ea = Abs of choice, B&R of choice, Push of choice, Pull of choice, Squat, C/P
    Abs? crunch, sit up, leg lift, V Up, etc…
    B&R? Superman, opposite arm/leg Superman, Cat/Cow, Cobra/Downward Dog, etc…
    Push? Push Up (various), Floor Press, Band Press (Seated? Standing?) etc…
    Pull? Pull Up (various), BOR (BB, DB, KB), Band Pull (Seated? Standing) etc…
    Squat & Cherry Picker - just grease the wheels so to speak, controlled & performed full ROM
    200m Run (or) 250m Row

  • “Specific W/U” perform 3-5 reps each move from w/o 1 & w/o 2 controlled & performed well

  • w/o 1 (perform as a circuit, recover 1:00-2:00 as needed, repeat)
    10 DB Alt G2OH (ea one counts)
    20 Single Arm Overhead Lunge (10 per side, any version you choose)((fwd/rev/stationary))
    10 DB Alt S2OH (ea one counts) ((only 1 in motion at a time, 1 always held OH))

  • Run 400m (or) Row 500m between W/O1 & W/O 2

  • w/o 2 (perform as a circuit, recover 1:00-2:00 as needed, repeat)
    40 Double Unders / 80 Singles / 40 JJ / 40 + Hair (ea one counts) ((pick one))
    200m Run (or) 250m C2
    10 Thrusters