WOD: Mar 30, 2020

W/U…2-3x increase speed rd to rd

20 Taps (use DBs, or soup can, or???) Alt (L) (R) = 1 ((think kick the can))
10 Skip Overs (lateral step over same object)
10 Toe Touches (C/P)
3 No Push Up Inchworm (upper body, lower body, stand up tall = 1)
5 Push Up / Knee Push Up (either / or)
2 Lunge with Twist Right (stationary - lead leg = same side arm to ceiling)
2 Lunge with Twist Left (stationary - lead leg = same side arm to ceiling)
10 Air Squats (our original go to squat)


HEEL SIT- 60 SECONDS (literally park your ass on your heels)
LUNGE HOLD- 30 SECONDS  EACH LEG (think “Spiderman”)
SAMSON LUNGE- 30 SECOND HOLD (EACH SIDE) (lace fingers together, palms to ceiling)
PIGEON GLUTE STRETCH- 30 SECOND HOLD EACH SIDE (“figure 4” w/ trail leg straight)
ASSISTED SQUAT HOLD- 60 SECONDS (use a band, furniture, door jam??? sit low, sit back)

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

12 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)
P1 = 8 KB/DB Deadlifts & 6 Jump Squats

P2 = while partner holds plank