9am w/ Coach Kevin
Level 0: The Five Frans - Scale below Level 1 of the levels so that you survive. It is okay.
Level 1: The Five Frans - #65/#45 and jumping pull-ups – If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 2: The Five Frans - #75/#55 and jumping pull-ups– If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 3: The Five Frans - #85/#60 and jumping pull-ups– If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Demigod Levels:
Level 4: The Five Frans - #65/#45 and pull-ups – If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 5: The Five Frans - #75/#55 and pull-ups – If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 6: The Five Frans - #85/#60 and pull-ups – If athlete can complete all intervals in the time cap, then move to next level.
Level 7: The Five Frans – Rx Fran -Work to complete Fran for all intervals under 4:00w/2:00r