The Twelve Days of Christmas" is a cumulative song, meaning that each verse is built on top of the previous verses. There are twelve verses, each describing a gift given by "my true love" on one of the twelve days of Christmas.
In the past I have been chastised for writing the WOD on the board from 1-12. The same occured when I wrote it from 12-1. No matter how I write it it does not change the song, nor the fact it is cumulative.
I love this WOD. Sing the song...12 Days o' Grinchmas...perform as you would the song
Twelve Chest to Bar Pull Ups,
Eleven Knees to Elbows,
Ten Double Unders,
Nine Ab Mat Sit Ups,
Eight Clapping Push Ups,
Seven Mountain Climbers,
Six Dead Lifts,
Five F*cking Burpees,
Four Hang Cleans,
Three Push Press,
Two Fronts Squats,
And a Wall Ball in a pear tree!